Random Thoughts: Drive My Car

Note: On May 29, I played the lead in a serious seven-car pileup when I was hit on my way to work at 4:30 a.m. by a stolen car driving at a high rate of speed on the wrong side of the highway.

The result was numerous broken bones in both arms, broken sternum and a few vertebrae, and a small skull fracture. I spent a week in the hospital, followed by another week-plus in rehab before coming home. Lying in bed, unable to do for one’s self, offers a lot of time for reflection.

I haven’t posted to this site since March, but I’m humbled to see people still seek it out on a regular basis. So I figured to kill two birds with one stone by laying down some of those random thoughts one sometimes gets when facing such a situation. Since these are random, they’re going to be all over the map, from mortality to anthropology to sports to what’s on TV. Definitely not saying these will be overly profound or philosophical, but as I face a long recovery, I’m hoping to clear my mind.

I know I’m lucky. I know it could have been a lot worse. I am reminded of this whenever I chose to pick at the scab by looking at picture of my car after the accident.

So one of the good things about all this is I get a car out of the deal. Haven’t had a new one since I got a Scion Xb in 2006 (I loved that car). When it died earlier this year, we donated it rather than spend the money to fix it up. So on that fateful day I was using the 2009 Versa my mother-in-law gave us when she gave up driving.

It’s been kind of fun, researching new models. Standard equipment sure has improved over the last decade. I don’t care much about style and color, I just wanted a good sound system and GPS.

But the question is, will I be able to drive it?

Physically, almost certainly, given that I expect to recover fully from the injuries. Plus the upcoming cataract surgery should improve my vision.

But mentally?

I never really enjoyed driving but lately I worry about getting behind the wheel again. About leaving at 3:30 in morning for the 4 a.m. shift. About inclement weather. About flashbacks to oncoming headlights. It’s more about trusting other drivers to do the right thing, to not drive under the influence, to know where they’re going. And, to be honest, I don’t. I’ve noticed a huge increase in the number of people who don’t signal (or who signal but don’t turn) and who are on their cell phones. I hope this is just a passing phase.

One thought on “Random Thoughts: Drive My Car

  1. Pingback: Random thoughts: Are you lonesome tonight? | The Worried Journalist

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